The event promotion made by us and our partners together with the freemium model of Thriving Nomads Summit brings a lot of visitors and registrations to our website.
Regardless of the type of partnership you are after, we know by experience that another great way to present and call attention to your brand among our audience is to offer them a giveaway/perk: either a product or a special deal on a service.
Any giveaway/perk (together with your logo) will be visible to all our the visitors of our landing page (under the perks section), but it will only be offered to registered participants.
<aside> 💡 An ideal perk/giveaway to our audience can be:
<aside> 🔹 Exclusive discount to access one of your products or services
<aside> 🔹 Giveaway of one of your products or services (to 1 or more participants selected randomly by the platform)
<aside> 🔹 Special access to a launch you are planning to do
<aside> 🔹 Special condition to a membership plan
<aside> 🔹 anything else your company can think about for raising brand awareness and promotion, really!
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